We never read The Post for anything more than Page Six itself (does anyone?), so this glossy little guy gives us everything we need.
It also helps that it arrives on our doorstep every Sunday morning free of charge, but then again, who’s keeping score?
Although I am not going to go out on a limb and call this publication “smart,” it is definitely far less dumb than the salacious paper from which it sprung and most other glossies on the market.
For example, this week's cover girl is writer/actress/director, Jennifer Westfeldt. Most of us have not heard much from her since Jessica Kissing Stein appeared on DVD (for those of us who were mainstream/indie enough to catch it).
She’s beautiful, talented and intelligent (a Yale alumi). And she’s certainly not Heidi Montag, so she’s got that going for her. The inside reads weren't half bad either.
Final Word: For as long as it appears on our doorstep, we'll continue to read it. But for a mag with a troubled past, who knows how long that will be.
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