But for some reason, I was craving it. And apparently, so was everyone else.
As I walked down 8th Avenue I noticed a crowd of people in the street. What I thought must be the smoking section of a boys’ bar was actually a line to get into Pinkberry! Flooding the store, down the street and practically around the corner. It was crazy.
Since I possess zero patience and a complete aversion to waiting in lines, I just walked away. Normally I would employ the blatant cut tactic, but that usually only works when there’s alcohol involved. This Fro-Yo crowd was looking tres serious, so I didn’t even attempt.
Rather than waiting, I decided I would hit up Tasti-D a few blocks up. But when walking away, I couldn’t help but feel like I had missed out on something. Like I couldn’t get into the exclusive club so I had to settle for the egalitarian one down the street. Ugh.
When I got to Tasti D-Lite the patrons were middle-aged and mildly overweight, where the Pinkberry kids were good-looking, well-dressed, young and hip. This was the frozen dessert equivalent of trying to get into Bungalow and having to settle for Home. So needless to say, I was thoroughly disappointed.
Final Word: I got the Tasti-D Double Berry with rainbow sprinkles, but it just didn’t do it for me. Pinkberry isn’t that good. Or is it? Tell me, I want to know.
it is THAT good.
havent had it. but the entire county of los angeles has decided to make it the one meal a day that they eat. so...if an angeleno will actually EAT it, it's got to be THAT good.
Wish I could say I've had it.. But sadly the chain has not arrived in Tampa yet. Maybe it will be in Miami when I move there... One can only dream :)
"trying to get into bungalow and settling for home" hahahahahaaaaa!!!!!! CLASSIC!!! this was hysterical, but true. I hate home! and guest house blows...booo Marquee is on it's way out as well. so tired.
"trying to get into bungalow and settling for home" hahahahahaaaaa!!!!!! CLASSIC!!! this was hysterical, but true. I hate home! and guest house blows...booo Marquee is on it's way out as well. so tired.
I love LA. I like Pinkberry but the lineups are just tooo long. So I've been checking out the competition. Cifore may be the best of the bunch, except for the frozen yogurt we had in Europe called Yogen Fruz, the best.
Oh yes, I love all frozen yogurt. Honestly, they're all good. Pinkberry is more good than the rest. Well you're right, Yogen Fruz is the best but they're not in America so what can we do.
Pinkberry is the American champ. Yogen Fruz is the world froyo champion. Nuff said. Let's dream of peace and frozen yogurt for everyone.
who knew everyone was so into fro-yo? or yo-fruz for that matter.....love the enthusiasm!!
I heard Yogen Fruz is comming to California very soon! I think they will start in San Francisco first.
Pinkberry aint all that to me from what I've licked. I got the plain flavor with berries. The berries were "real big", but the actual yogurt tasted like a lactose intolerant's version of a lemon creamsicle. In my personal opinion Bloomingdale's 40 Carrots plain fro yo is the best around, but very rarely is it worth it to travel to the UES to get. Maybe I just expected too much from Pinkberry, but I'de rather toss some Fruity Pebbles up in my lemon Italian Ice and call it dessert.
If you would like to try a FULL fat yet delicious alternative... lines are just as long - Gromm. AMAZING
Yogen Fruz will be in San Francisco by the end of the year or early 2008.
Hi to all you other Yogurt fans out there. I must confess that I am a yogurt freak myself. I know everyone out there is so in love with Pinkberry but I just DON'T understand why the hell that is.
1. PINKBERRY basically tastes like frozen sugar water. YUCK! It seems like they don't care about taste and all they care about is making a good ol' buck.
I went to this new yogurt shop called Frucci located near MT SAC & CAL POLY POMONA. (Check out their website www.frucciyogurt.com under News for their addresses).
FRUCCI on the other hand really considers taste and ingredients (its rich and you can tell that it has so much less sugar than pinkberry). They really seem to care about people's health and WELL-BEING.
2. FRUCCI is also CHEAPER than pinkberry. Pinkberry even charges a dollar extra for their green tea (what a rip!!) whereas frucci charges all yogurt flavors equally. You guys need to try the Pina Colada (their most popular flavor).
3. Frucci's workers give GREAT SERVICE.
Some of Pinkberry's workers are the worst (very rude and impolite). From my own personal experience i went into the koreatown Pinkberry and asked for three toppings (the blackberry, raspberry, and mochi). I asked, "can i have the mochi?" The female worker harshly and impolitely replied, "It's ricecake." I couldn't really understand at first so I was wondering why she was giving me a horrible face and so I said, "Yea so can i have the mochi please." She then again repeated, "It's ricecake" while rolling her eyes. I was pretty DAMN offended.
My friend also said she went into a Pinkberry and one of the customers politely asked, "can i have some more yogurt please?" The worker sarcastically said, "oh yea you want some more?" She THREW the medium cup of yogurt on the measuring scale (since pinkberry measures by the ounce) and the scale measured 8 ounces. Since medium is 8 ounces, the worker just handed the cup of yogurt to the female customer without saying a word. My friend said that she could see that customer's face turning pink. Pretty sad.
Pinkberry fans you can hate me all you want, but to all you yogurt fans out there I RECOMMEND FRUCCI.
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